Arduino is typically programmed with Arduino IDE with a set of C/C++ functions. The canonical blink sketch which turns a led on/off every 1 second looks like:
void setup() {
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // initialize digital pin 13 as an output
void loop() {
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(13, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(1000); // wait for a second
, digitalWrite
and delay
functions are defined by the Arduino
standard library. For the most part this works pretty well, and there are plenty
of libraries and example sketches.
For the sake of getting close to the metal, let’s write the above sketch in assembly instead. Before we do that we need to install couple depedencies. Assuming you’re on OSX and you have brew install you’ll need to do:
brew tap osx-cross/avr
brew install avr-libc avrdude
Here’s an example from
Save it as simple_led_blink.s
.equ RAMEND, 0x8ff
.equ SREG, 0x3f
.equ SPL, 0x3d
.equ SPH, 0x3e
.equ PORTB, 0x05
.equ DDRB, 0x04
.equ PINB, 0x03
.org 0
rjmp main
ldi r16,0 ; reset system status
out SREG,r16 ; init stack pointer
ldi r16,lo8(RAMEND)
out SPL,r16
ldi r16,hi8(RAMEND)
out SPH,r16
ldi r16,0x20 ; set port bits to output mode
out DDRB,r16
clr r17
eor r17,r16 ; invert output bit
out PORTB,r17 ; write to port
call wait ; wait some time
rjmp mainloop ; loop forever
push r16
push r17
push r18
ldi r16,0x40 ; loop 0x400000 times
ldi r17,0x00 ; ~12 million cycles
ldi r18,0x00 ; ~0.7s at 16Mhz
dec r18
brne _w0
dec r17
brne _w0
dec r16
brne _w0
pop r18
pop r17
pop r16
Explaining what the above assembly code does is out of scope of this small blog post.
Now connect your Arduino to your computer with usb and run the following commands from your terminal:
avr-as -g -mmcu=atmega328p -o simple_led_blink.o simple_led_blink.s
avr-ld -o simple_led_blink.elf simple_led_blink.o
avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom simple_led_blink.elf simple_led_blink.hex
avrdude -p atmega328p -c arduino -P /dev/tty.usbmodem14221 -b 115200 -D -U flash:w:simple_led_blink.hex:i
You’ll most likely need to change /dev/tty.usbmodem14221
to whatever usb port
your Arduino is connected to. To find which one run ls /deve/tty.*
and pick
the one without Bluetooth
in the file name.
Most of the above instructions are from here, frankly without it this process would’ve been much longer and way more tedious.