ghhook: “Go library that makes working with Github webhooks delivered with AWS APIGateway easier.” NOTE, this is mine :) It started as few one off scripts, run as AWS Lambda function, to help automate some tasks based on Github webhooks at work; eventually extracted out some common functionality into this library.
serverless: “Folder specific env variable config; especially useful for managing multiple GOPATH
”. Using this to deploy the scripts written with the above project. I made a Lambda function from scratch which took forever, with serverless it took less than a minute. Only downside is updating functions take longer since it does entire Cloudformation stack update vs just uploading a Lambda function. I’m not entirely sold on the serverless architecture to be honest, it’s quite tedious to even do/debug basic stuff, serverless makes some it easier.
task: “A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go.” I never took the time to properly learn make and whenever I spend some time with it I always end up quitting scratching my head. I’m a huge fan of rake for Rails projects, but for others the overhead is too much. Found this make alternative where you specify commands in yaml. It also has common features like accessing env variables, task depedency etc.
graphql: “A query language created by Facebook in 2012 for describing the capabilities and requirements of data models for client-server applications.” I feel out of date for discovering this just now. It’s quite neat actually. Been playing with Github Graphql(
Patton’s Sword: Compares Patton’s carrer’s as cavalary saber designer and commander of tank division in WW1 with present day. I don’t think I’ll do it any more justice explaining it here, so go read it!
Primitive: “Reproducing images with geometric primitives.” Words won’t do it justice, go generate some images with it. I’ve been posting selfies reproduced with this on my Instagram…yet another reason to follow me and join my huge army of followers (last count 57 bots).